Monday, June 21, 2010


I have 5 other apartment mates. one of them...likes to bring random dudes home. and so im rather bitter when its 10:30 and in my pjs going out to get something from the fridge and there is a guy...sitting at the kitchen table. i pretend that they are there and for the most part, they leave me alone. but there was this one guy who took notice of my marine sweatshirt.

he goes, "i love it, showing pride in the marines. everyone should do that."

I give him a sour look for disrupting my peace, " yes well im engaged to one."

his eye brows raise, "OH REALLY!! well you can you do one thing for me? tell him thank you for serving."

i nod and walk back to my room.

the guy was a creep but every one should do it. whether u know sumone in, or not. or it doesnt even have to be marines. any of them. army, national guard, navy! just be proud of someone and something.

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