Thursday, March 18, 2010

from one marine to another marine's fiance

I was at my college cafe today and was paying for my food and gave one of the supervisors my swipe card. My card is attached to a lanyard and he looked at me and asked who i knew in the marines. I said my fiance, actually and he seemed to get rather excited. He then went on to tell me he was in the marines and was in the reserves and he told me he used to take part guns and stuff. He asked what my fiance did and i said aviation rescue.

He was explaining things in the lame girls way because i think he was expecting me to know what things meant. But i was proud of myself for knowing more than he thought!

It just goes to show there are marines everywhere. They are hidden among us civilians and most of us will never know. But wearing marine things bring the marine out in people because there is a connection there that only a few people have.

Be proud of a marine

I know i am

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